Administration Guide

Adding Custom Input Fields

IMPORTANT: When adding custom input fields, you change the database’s structure. We recommend that no users access the Network Inventory console at that time.

To add a custom input field, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Network Inventory > Fields > Computers.
  2. Click New > Custom Input Field. The Custom Input Field window appears.
  3. Type in a field caption in the Field Caption field.
  4. Optional: Type in the default field value in the Default Value field.
  5. Under Field Type, choose one of the following:
    • To let users enter text, click Input. Then proceed to Step 6.
    • To let users select a value from the list, click Select and proceed to the next step.
    • To let users select a value from the list or enter text, click Combo and proceed to the next step.
  6. For a Select/Combo field, specify the list of available values as follows:
    • To add a value, type it in the text field at the bottom and click Add.
    • To edit a value, select it, enter a new value in the text field at the bottom, and click Replace.
    • To remove a value from the list, select it and click Delete.
  7. If you want to prevent users from leaving the field blank, select the Mandatory check box. Mandatory fields will have a red border.
  8. If you want the field to remember the last entered or selected value, select the Remember check box.
  9. In the Field Name / Audit File Key field, enter the name for the variable (key) that will store the entered value of this custom field in the audit snapshot file and will be used as the field name in the database.

    NOTE: Network Inventory allows you to enter in this field English letters, numbers, and low line characters (_). Additionally, you cannot end the name with the _id sequence.

  10. Click OK.

    IMPORTANT: For your changes to take effect, you and other users must restart the Network Inventory console.

By default, Network Inventory automatically includes newly added custom input fields in all audit profiles. If you do not want to include a custom input field in a particular profile, you must review this profile and disable the field in the profile’s User Display Options section.

INFO: For details, see the Network Inventory User’s Guide: Modifying Audit Profiles.

Additional information entered by users will be available in your database after the first interactive audit with the updated audit profile.

NOTE: By default, custom input fields are not included in any Network Inventory grid views for Computers. If needed, modify data view configurations and add columns for each custom input field you want to see in the grid.