Administration Guide

Direct Links to Ticket Creation in the Self Service Portal

You may need to create direct links to Ticket creation forms in Self Service Portal, to embed these direct links on your website or send the links via email and instant messengers.

The Self Service Portal supports direct link to New Ticket Forms in the following format:



  • [SelfServicePortalURL] is the URL address of your Self Service Portal,
  • [ActionID]is the identifier for the New Ticket Forms.

For example, to access the "New Request(Self Service Portal)" action #797 at, use this URL:

TIP: To find out the ID of the New Ticket Forms in the Settings App, navigate to Customization > General > Self Service Portal > Forms > Tickets > New Ticket Forms using the side bar. You can see the ID in the title of the New Ticket Form window.

TIP: Use the Self Service Portal Link (%[SYS Self Service Portal Link]%) system macro as a placeholder for the portal's URL in direct links.

When the user clicks the direct link, the Create Ticket page opens in the web browser. If the user is not logged into the Self Service Portal yet, the Sign In page appears first. Once authenticated, the user is redirected to the Create Ticket page.