What the job list displays
The Services > Automation Server section in Settings displays the list of all Automation Server jobs. The list automatically refreshes every ten seconds, which makes the displayed information always actual. However, you can refresh the view manually by clicking Refresh or pressing F5.
By default, all jobs are grouped by type. Next to the job name, the jib list may show the ID. This auto-generated ID uniquely identifies each workflow item, such as a Trigger.
INFO: For details, see Accessing Workflow Items by ID.
The job list displays the following job details:
Last Run Status — the status, date, and time of the last run of the job.
Next Run Date — the date and time of the nearest scheduled job execution. If the Next Run Date value differs from the due time in the job’s schedule, it may take up to a minute for the Next Run Date value to be updated.
These messages may appear:
The job has not started yet — the job is scheduled, but has not been run yet
The job has expired — there are no scheduled executions before the end time defined for the job
The job schedule is disabled — running the job by schedule is disabled, but you can manually force this job to run
Queued to run as soon as possible — the job has been forced to run on the remote Automation Server
This message appears when your Automation Server instance is installed on a remote computer which does not belong to the same domain or workgroup as your Settings App. Typically, the remote Automation Server runs “ASAP” jobs within a minute after they were forced. For details on forcing jobs, see Forcing jobs to run.
Enabled — displays whether running the job by schedule is currently enabled.