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Changing types of Person records

The type of a Person record defines what this person can do in Alloy Navigator Express and where the Person records appears. By default, the following system types are available:

  • Technician - Person records with the Technician type can be associated with Alloy Navigator Express user accounts for technical staff members who work with Alloy Navigator Express including Network Inventory, Mobile App, and the Web App (Technician Accounts). Only Person records of the Technician type appear in various technician-related drop-down lists and Select Technician window used to fill out such fields as Ticket's Assignee. When you change the Technician type to any other, Alloy Navigator Express deletes all Technician Accounts associated with this Person.

  • Customer - Person records with the Customer type can be associated with Alloy Navigator Express user accounts for accessing the Self Service Portal (SSP Customer accounts). When you change the Customer type to any other, Alloy Navigator Express deletes all SSP Customer Accounts associated with this Person.

  • Contact - Person records with the Contact type can be associated with Alloy Navigator Express user accounts for tracking information about your contacts.

    NOTE: Your Alloy Navigator Express administrator can also configure custom types for non-technical stuff members.

To change the type of a Person record:

  • In the Persons grid, select one or more records and choose the Set Type action from the Actions > General menu, the Set Type dialog box opens. Choose new type from the Type drop-down list and click OK.

    Alternatively, you can perform this action in the Person details window.