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Showing and hiding the Group Panel

Before you can group records by using the Group Panel, you must make it visible.

The steps for hiding and showing the Group Panel slightly differ depending on the user interface you are currently using in data grids, whether it's the new experience or the classic one.

For the new experience:

To hide or show the Group Panel in the new experience, follow these steps:

  1. On the Module menu, select the Options button to access the Options menu

  2. Use the Group by box option to toggle the visibility of the preview pane.

This action will either show the Group Panel above the grid (if it is not already displayed) or hide it if it's currently shown.

For the classic experience:

To hide or show the Group Panel in the classic experience, do either of the following:

  • Right-click anywhere in the grid, and then click Group > Group by Box.

This action will either show the Group Panel above the grid (if it is not already displayed) or hide it if it's currently shown.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can make the Group Panel visible by configuring options in the Customize View window: Click View > Customize Views and select the Group by Box check box on the Options tab.