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Marking Tracked Software and Software Licenses as retired

If a software program or license is retired from use in your operational environment, you can mark its Tracked Software or Software License record as retired.

You mark Tracked Software and Software Licenses as retired by performing the corresponding Retire action. Typically, once you mark Tracked Software as "retired", all its subordinate Software Licenses are automatically marked as "retired".

Retired Tracked Software and Software Licenses records cannot be edited, you can only view them.

The information about retired Tracked Software and Software Licenses is not considered when Alloy Navigator Express checks license compliance:

  • The compliance status of retired subordinate Software Licenses does not affect the compliance status of their parent Tracked Software.

  • For retired Software Licenses, the numbers of used, reconciled, and available licenses are set to zero.

  • Retired Software Licenses are not shown in the Licensing and Tracking section of the Software Installation window opened from the Discovered Installations grid.

The information about retired Tracked Software and Software Licenses is hidden on the following locations:

  • Retired Tracked Software and Software Licenses records disappear from the Select Tracked Software and the Select License windows correspondingly.

  • The allocations of a retired Software Licenses are listed neither on the Allocation tab of the Software License window nor on the Allocated Licenses tab of the Tracked Software window for their parent Tracked Software.

  • If a retired Software License was allocated to a Computer, this License is not listed on the Software/Allocated Licenses tab of the Computer window for that Computer.

  • If a retired Software License was allocated to a Inventory Item, this License is not listed on the Software tab of the Inventory Item window for that Inventory Item record.