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Customizing Defaults

Workflow Defaults are used for assigning initial values to fields of newly created objects, whether those objects are created interactively or not. For example, when a Computer is created, its Type is automatically set to Workstation, which is the most common type of computers.

Alloy Navigator Express assigns initial values to user-created objects not only in Defaults, but also in Templates. When objects are created non-interactively (by a service such as the Mail Connector), that service assigns initial values to newly-created objects as well . For example, the Mail Connector uses the Ticket Template for Mail Connector, the Network Inventory Synchronization uses the Network Inventory Template, and the Active Directory Synchronization uses the Active Directory data mapping.

IMPORTANT: Workflow Defaults have the lowest priority, which means that initial values set by Templates or other sources override the initial values set by Defaults.

You can customize system Defaults for a particular object class in the Customization > [ Module] > [ Object Class] > Workflow > Defaults section, as follows:

  1. To add a new field:

    • Click New. A new row appears.

    • In the new row, click the down arrow in the Field Name column and select an object field from the list.

    • In the Value column, assign a value to the selected field. For details, see Defining field values in Templates.

  2. To delete a field:

    • Select a row and click Delete.

  3. To modify a field:

    • Select a row to modify and make your changes. For details, see Defining field values in Templates.

  4. When done, click Save on the toolbar.