Release Notes

What's new in version 8.6.1

March 2020

Version 8.7.1 is a maintenance release. It resolves some issues reported in previous versions of the Web App.

Web App: Resolved issues

  • Now drilling down on a <blank> chart segment works as expected — you would see a list of records where the relevant field is blank. Previously, an empty data grid would appear.

  • When the form of a Step Action contains an HTML field, running the Action on multiple records no longer causes the "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes" error.

  • The Discovered Installations grid now opens faster, particularly noticeable when there is a large number of records. This fixes the "Request timed out" error that could happen when the number of discovered installations exceeded a million.

  • Added support for special characters (colons, single and double quotation marks, etc.) in the database name and in the password for the SQL Server account used for the Database Access Key. Previously, such characters in the key caused login errors when configuring web applications.