API User's Guide

Creating objects


The API provides the ability to create new Alloy Navigator Express object records via workflow Create Actions.

NOTE: Submitting an action form via an API request may feel different compared to what you'd normally expect in other modules of the product. The API supports only the default value and mandatory options of form fields. In some cases, the API will not return an error when you submit an action form with a mandatory field not filled. It happens if the field on the form is pre-populated with either a default value or its current value in the Object's record.

HTTP method


POST parameters

POST parameters should be specified in the request’s body, in JSON format.

Parameter Description

The Create Action ID.

NOTE: You can find the Create Action ID and a list of fields for a particular object class in the Settings App: Customization > [Module]> [Object Class] > Workflow > Templates.


Fields on the Create Action form.

Field names (display labels)

TIP: To refer to fields, use their display labels. For details, see How to refer to object fields when creating and updating objects.

Field values
  • For reference fields, you must specify the identifier of the referenced object (example: PN000017), or its name (example: Angelina Reyes).

  • For classification fields (e.g. Priority or Impact), you must specify the element’s display value (example: Immediate or Multiple People).

  • For boolean fields, you must specify true/false or 1/0.

INFO: For HTML fields, you must specify text with HTML tags, see Working with HTML fields.

POST body format
	"ActionId": "<actionId>",
		"<fieldName1>": "<fieldValue1>",
		"<fieldName2>": "<fieldValue2>",
Response Format

On success, the server returns the identifiers of the newly created object.

	"success": true,
	"errorCode": 0,
	"errorText": "",
	"responseObject": {
		"Succeed": true/false,
		"ObjectID": "<Object ID>",
		"ObjectOID": "<Object OID>"
Property Description Format


New object record was created.



Internal database identifier of the created object.



OID of the created object.

INFO: For more information, see Object identification in Alloy Navigator Express.


In case of a failure the server returns an error message. The following errors may appear:

Error message Description

Authorization has been denied for this request.

The Authorization header is missing or the token has expired.

This action cannot be executed because the action's condition is not satisfied.

The user is not authorized to use the Create Action.

Requested action is not available.

The Create Action with the specified ActionID was not found.

Field <name> is unknown.

The field with the specified name was not found.


Here is an example of how you can create a new Asset. Call the Create Action #388 and set values for Name, Description, Type, and Associated.


(POST) http://www.example.com/api/v2


	"ActionId": 388,  //"Create new asset"
		"Name":"Asset API",
		"Description":"Asset for API test",
		"Type":"Non-Physical", //classification field
		"Associated":"PC00092" // reference field


	"success": true,
	"errorCode": 0,
	"errorText": "",
	"responseObject": {
		"Succeed": true,
		"ObjectID": "6a469d7d-4bb1-4896-befb-10027f1f0c61",
		"ObjectOID": "A000124"