Administration Guide

System Macros

Updated in 2022.1

Alloy Navigator Express provides a number of predefined system macros that can be used as standard building blocks for e-mail notifications, workflow items, and user macros. For the list of system macros, see the table below.

System macros are available in the System Macros category of the Select Placeholder dialog.

INFO: For details, see Inserting Placeholders.

System macro Inserted dynamic value
Action ID

The ID of the current workflow item.

When the current workflow item was triggered by another workflow item, the macro inserts the ID of that initial item (compare with WF Item ID).

This auto-generated ID uniquely identifies each workflow item. When you open its details window, the window title will display the ID in square brackets. In addition, you can see the ID column in the grid view for workflow items (Customization > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > [Workflow Item Type]).

Action Name

The name of the current workflow item.

When the current workflow item was triggered by another workflow item, the macro inserts the name of that initial item (compare with WF Item Name).

Activity List All

Full data from all Ticket's Activities.

Activities are separated with a double dashed line. Inserted text usually consists of several lines.

Activity List Published

Full data from all Ticket's Activities published on the Self Service Portal.

Activities are separated with a double dashed line. Inserted text usually consists of several lines.

API Link

The URL address of Alloy Navigator Express API. This macro inserts the value specified on the "Workflow Integration" page of the Web Configuration tool for the API module.

Use this macro to build direct link to objects in E-mail Notifications.

For details, see Installation Guide: Customizing the API Link Macro.

Current User The Full Name of the current person or Service Name of the current service (e.g. Automation Server, Mail Connector).
Current User > Field

The specified field from the current user’s Person record. For example:

%[SYS Current User.Full_Name]%


The Alloy Navigator Express module the workflow item is initiated from.

Valid values include:

  • Active Directory Import
  • Settings
  • Alloy Discovery Connector
  • API
  • Mail Connector
  • Desktop App (for both the Alloy Navigator Express Desktop App and Network Inventory App)
  • Mobile App
  • Recurrent Ticket Agent
  • Reporting Service
  • Scheduled Task Agent
  • Scheduled Trigger Agent
  • Self Service Portal
  • Web App
Initiator > Application Name

The name of the Alloy Navigator Express mobile application from where the workflow Action/Trigger was initiated. Valid values:

  • InventoryScanner for Alloy Inventory Scanner
  • NavigatorMobile for Alloy Navigator mobile app
  • SelfServiceMobile for Self-Service mobile app
  • TeamsBot for Self-Service Assistant bot for Microsoft Teams

When initiated from any other Alloy Navigator Express module, the placeholder does not insert any value.

Initiator > Client IP Address

The IP address of the computer the workflow item is initiated from.

  • When initiated from a web application (the Web App, Mobile App, Self Service Portal, API), the placeholder inserts the IP address of the client computer accessing the web server.

    NOTE: The inserted value depends on the network configuration and may display the IP address of the user’s computer running the web browser, the proxy server (including transparent proxy) between the user’s computer and the Internet, or the wireless router.

  • When initiated from any other Alloy Navigator Express module, the placeholder inserts the same value as Initiator > Host IP Address.

Initiator > Client Locale

The locale used by the person identified by Initiator > Name.

  • For Self Service Portal customers, the placeholder inserts the interface language specified on the “Profile” page.

  • For any other Alloy Navigator Express module, where users cannot change their interface language, the placeholder always inserts English (United States).

Initiator > Client Workstation

The name of the computer the workflow item is initiated from.

  • When initiated from a web application (the Web App, Mobile App, Self Service Portal, API), the placeholder inserts the name of the client computer accessing the web server.

    NOTE: The inserted value depends on the network configuration and may display the name of the user’s computer running the web browser, the proxy server (including transparent proxy) between the user’s computer and the Internet, or wireless router.

  • When initiated from any other Alloy Navigator Express module, the placeholder inserts the same value as Initiator > Host Name.

Initiator > Database The name of the Alloy Navigator Express database.
Initiator > Host IP Address

The IP address of the computer hosting the Alloy Navigator Express module the workflow item is initiated from.

  • When initiated from a web application (the Web App, Mobile App, Self Service Portal, API), the placeholder inserts the IP address of the web server.

  • When initiated from any other Alloy Navigator Express module, the placeholder inserts the same value as Initiator > Client IP Address.

Initiator > Host Name

The name of the computer hosting the Alloy Navigator Express module the workflow item is initiated from.

  • When initiated from a web application (the Web App, Mobile App, Self Service Portal, API), the placeholder inserts the name of the web server.

  • When initiated from any other Alloy Navigator Express module, the placeholder inserts the same value as Initiator > Client Workstation.

Initiator > Host Site

The URL of the web application.

  • When initiated from a web applications (the Web App, Mobile App, Self Service Portal, API), the placeholder inserts the URL.

  • When initiated from any other Alloy Navigator Express module, the placeholder does not insert any value.

Initiator > Interactive
  • TRUE when the workflow item is initiated by a user (interactively)

  • FALSE when the workflow item is initiated by a service (non-interactively)

Initiator -> Login The username (login name) of the Alloy Navigator Express account under which a person or a service initiated the workflow item.
Initiator > Name The Full Name of the person or the service that initiated the workflow item.
Initiator > SQL Server The name or network address of the SQL Server instance hosting the Alloy Navigator Express database.
Initiator > SSP Access Level The access level of the SSP customer account under which a person initiated the workflow Action/Trigger in the Self Service Portal.
Initiator > Type

The Alloy Navigator Express module the workflow item is initiated from. (Same as Initiator.)

Initiator > Use Windows Authentication

The authentication type for the Alloy Navigator Express account under which a person or a service initiated the workflow item:

  • TRUE when the user uses Windows authentication
  • FALSE when the user uses Standard authentication

NOTE: If you use this macro for accessing the Alloy Navigator Express database, FALSE value requires specifying the user name (login) and password, when TRUE value uses the current user's Windows account credentials.


The information about the product license.

License > Serial Number

The product serial number.

License > Language

The product language.

License > Expiration Date

The license expiration date.

License > User

The user name.

License > Organization

The organization name.

License > Audit Nodes

The maximum number of audit nodes.

License > Named Users

The maximum number of named technician accounts.

License > Concurrent Users

The maximum number of concurrent users.

License > SQL Server

The SQL Server instance name.

Notification ID

The ID of the current E-mail Notification.

This auto-generated ID uniquely identifies each E-mail Notification. When you open the E-mail Notification details window, the window title will display this ID in square brackets.

NOTE: By default, the ID field is not included in the grid view for E-mail Notifications (Customization > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > E-mail Notifications). To show the ID column in the grid you should modify the view configuration and add the ID field as needed.

MessageID Tag

The identification tag, which is used to extract the object ID from threaded messages.


The current date and time on the computer where the workflow item is initiated (i.e. the computer running the Desktop App, Automation Server, Web App, Mobile App, or the Self Service Portal).

Object Changes All

The list of object fields that were modified when the object was updated. Each line in the generated list describes the changes of a single field and contains the field name, old value, and the new value.

Inserted text usually consists of several lines.

When the modified field is a memo or HTML field (for example, the Description Ticket's field) and its length exceeds 256 symbols, the macro will return a 256-symbol-long snippet of the field containing the modified fragment.

Object Changes End User

The list of all Ticket’s fields available in the Self Service Portal that were modified when the Ticket was updated. The list contains field names with their original and new values.

Inserted text usually consists of several lines.

When the modified field is a memo or HTML field (for example, the Description Ticket's field) and its length exceeds 256 symbols, the macro will return a 256-symbol-long snippet of the field containing the modified fragment.

PO Items All

Full data from all PO Items included to the Purchase Order.

Inserted text usually consists of several lines.

Self Service Portal Link

The URL of the Self Service Portal. This macro inserts the value specified on the "Workflow Integration" page of the Web Configuration tool for the Self Service Portal. For details, see Installation Guide: Customizing the Self Service Portal Link Macro.

Use this macro to build direct link to objects in notifications. For details, see Direct Links to Objects in the Self Service Portal.


The current date on the computer where the corresponding workflow item is initiated (i.e. the computer running the Desktop App, the Automation Server, Web App, Mobile App, or the Self Service Portal).

System Settings > Plain Text Email

Indicates whether the e-mail notification is sent in plain text format.

  • TRUE when the check box is selected.
  • FALSE when the check box is clear.

If TRUE, the e-mail notification is sent in plain text.

This macro is the attribute of the notifications settings. You select the check box Send all e-mail messages in plain text format when configuring outgoing e-mail notifications. For details, see Configuring the Notifications Settings.

WF Item ID

The ID of the current workflow item.

This value differs from Action ID when the current workflow item was triggered by another item: Action ID inserts the ID of the initial item, while WF Item ID inserts the ID of the actual workflow item.

This auto-generated ID uniquely identifies each workflow item. When you open its details window, the window title will display the ID in square brackets. In addition, you can see the ID column in the grid view for workflow items (Customization > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > [Workflow Item Type]).

WF Item Name

The name of the current workflow item.

This value differs from Action Name when the current workflow item was triggered by another item: Action Name inserts the name of the initial item, while WF Item Name inserts the name of the actual workflow item.

Web Portal Link

The URL of the portal. This macro inserts the value specified on the "Workflow Integration" page of the Web Configuration tool for the Web App. For details, see Installation Guide: Customizing the Web App Link Macro.

Use this macro to build direct link to objects in notifications. For details, see Direct Links to Objects in the Web App.