Online Help | Network Inventory

Audit Profiles

An audit profile defines how the data is collected when an audit source is audited. Network Inventory is shipped with three pre-configured profiles, which are generally sufficient for many organizations. You can use them as they are, customize those profiles as you need, and create your own ones.

  • Full audit - Collects full hardware and software inventory on audited computers. Use this profile if you are not interested in searching computers’ hard drives for individual files.

  • Full audit with file scan - Collects full hardware and software inventory on audited computers and searches their hard drives for .exe files. Use this profile only when you are interested in those files because audit with this profile is slow and takes significant time to complete.

  • Quick audit without software discovery - Quickly collects hardware inventory on audited computers. Audit with this profile is fast but does not collect any information about installed software products.

You manage the list of audit profiles in the Audit Profiles pane of the Audit Settings window. To access this pane, select the Audit > Audit Settings from the main menu and click Audit Profiles on the left navigation bar. You can perform the following actions in this pane:

  • To add a new profile, click New.

  • To create a copy of an exiting profile, select the profile and click Actions > Copy Item.

  • To modify a profile, select it and click Open.

  • To set an audit profile as default, select it and click Actions > Set as Default Profile.

NOTE: The default profile will be associated with every newly created Audit Sources in your Sites, including the first source created by the Quick Start Wizard. In addition, the default profile will be applied when you audit a single Network Node by its name or IP address. For details, see Creating Sites and Auditing a single Network Node.

  • To remove a profile from the list, select it and click Delete.

The Audit Profile [Profile Name] window includes the following sections:

  • Software Discovery - allows you to define where to discover software installations when auditing.

  • Registry Keys - allows you to configure a list of registry keys to capture.

  • Event Log - allows you to specify the options for capturing the system Event Log.

  • File Scan - allows you to configure the file scan process.

  • SMBIOS Filter - allows you to supplement the built-in SMBIOS Filter with other dummy values that Network Inventory should ignore during the audit.

  • Miscellaneous - allows you to enable scheduled data collection during the audit.

  • Progress Indicator - allows you to define whether the progress indicator appears on the screens of client machines during the audit and which greeting message is displayed to the user.

  • Available Controls - allows you to configure various interactive options the user will be given when the interactive audit starts.

  • Custom Input Fields - allows you to define a number of custom fields that will prompt the user to enter additional information when the interactive audit starts.

  • Bypass Rules - allows you to exclude certain user accounts from the audit.