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Workflow management

In the Customization > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow sections of the Sidebar you can customize the default workflow for Alloy Navigator Express objects.

Alloy Navigator Express offers several types of workflow items you'll be using to customize the workflow. Note that the availability of workflow items depends on the class of Alloy Navigator Express objects.

Each Workflow section for a particular object class may consist of the following sub-sections:

  • Actions - Actions are workflow steps initiated by the user working with already created objects. Actions are capable of modifying the objects' state, performing calculations and field updates, and sending e-mail notifications. Alloy Navigator Express provides a set of pre-defined Actions, which are ready to use with the default settings, or hide certain Actions from the product's interface. For details, see Customizing Actions.

  • Defaults - Defaults are workflow items used for assigning initial values to fields of newly created objects, whether those objects are created interactively or not. For details, see Customizing Defaults.

  • Templates - Templates are workflow steps initiated by the user creating new objects. Templates are used for creating objects and assigning initial values to their fields. You may have several Templates for an object class to enable the user create different types of objects. For details, see Configuring Templates.

  • E-mail Notifications - E-mail Notifications are workflow items used to communicate workflow-related events to the participants of the business process. For details, see Configuring E-mail Notifications.

  • Push Notifications - Push Notifications are workflow operations used to communicate workflow-related events to the participants of the business process. Push notifications appear as text messages on technician's mobile device to alert them about important events, such as ticket escalations or announcements. For details, see Configuring Push Notification.

  • Business Policies - Business Policies are non-interactive workflow items based on a condition or an event such as object creation or modification. As opposed to Actions, Business Policies are not dependent on the object's lifecycle stage or the particular workflow step.

  • NOTE: Alloy Navigator Express 2023 supports Business Policies for Tickets and Change Requests only. Escalation policies are also available for the Approval Requests.

There are for types of policies:

    • Escalation policies - These policies change object’s assignee, status, and/or priority and optionally generate E-mail Notifications when the object satisfies a specified condition. Alloy Navigator Express regularly checks this condition and escalates the object if the condition is true. For details, see Configuring Escalation policies.

    • Prioritization policies - These policies auto-calculate the Due Date of objects according to their degree of importance. Alloy Navigator Express applies Prioritization policies when objects are created or modified. For details, see Configuring Prioritization policies.

    • Routing policies - These policies assign objects to certain technician when the object satisfies a specified condition. Alloy Navigator Express checks this condition whenever objects are created or modified. For details, see Configuring Routing policies.

    • Additional Automation policies - These policies change object properties when a object is created or modified and satisfies a specified condition. You can use an Additional Automation policy when the automation that you need cannot be achieved using other types of Business Policies. For details, see Configuring Additional Automation policies.

  • Integrations - Integrations are workflow actions available for the user to run system shell commands with the specified parameters. For details, see Configuring Integrations.

  • Inventory Data Mapping - Inventory Data Mapping are mapping rules that defines how audit snapshot attributes correspond to Computer's and Inventory Item's fields when the Network Inventory Synchronization creates or updates Computers and Inventory Items. For details, see Configuring Inventory Data Mapping.

  • Active Directory Data Mapping - Active Directory Data Mapping are mapping rules that define how Active Directory attributes correspond to Person fields when the Active Directory Synchronization creates or updates Person records. For details, see Configuring Active Directory data mapping.