Online Help | Desktop App

Administrative Account

On this page, specify how to create the first Alloy Navigator technician account in the database. This account will have administrative permissions to configure and manage Alloy Navigator.

  1. Select the authentication type this technician account will use. For information, see Authentication types.

  2. For Windows authentication:

    In the Login field, enter the login name of a Windows user, as follows:

    <DomainName>\<UserName> or <ComputerName>\<UserName>.

    Alternatively, click Find to bring up the standard Windows Select User dialog box to quickly find the dedicated Windows user account. For more information, refer to the Choosing a windows account page.

  3. For Standard authentication:

    1. Type in a login name in the Login field.

    2. Type in a password in the Password field and retype it to confirm.

  4. Click Next.