Organize Views window
This window lists all the views available for the current grid. For each view, the following check boxes are shown:
Shared - This indicates that this view is available for all users connected to your Alloy Navigator database. If the check box is clear, the view is available for you only.
Disabled - This indicates that this view doesn't appear in the component’s View drop-down list. If the check box is clear, the view can be chosen from the component’s View drop-down list.
The following buttons allows you to manage the views as follows:
Copy - Creates a copy of the selected view.
Delete - Deletes the selected custom view.
Rename - Renames the selected custom view.
Share - This allows you to make the selected view available for all users connected to your Alloy Navigator database. A shared copy of the original view will be created.
NOTE: The newly created shared view will not be available to anyone until Alloy Navigator administrator assigns this view to particular user roles.
Disable - Hides the view in this component’s View drop-down list. Once you disable a view, its Disabled check box gets selected. To re-enable a disabled view, select it and click Enable.
Apply - Applies the selected view.
Close - Closes this window.