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Log Entry Details window

The Log Entry Details window displays information about the particular workflow item execution:

  • Run Date - the date and time the Action/Trigger ran.

  • Item Name - the name of the Action/Trigger (and its ID in parentheses).

  • Object ID - the ID and class of the object the Action/Trigger was executed at.

  • Event - the event in Alloy Navigator that triggered the Action/Trigger.

  • Triggered by Action - the name of the Action or Trigger (and its ID in parentheses) that triggered the Action/Trigger specified in the Item Name field. Otherwise, this field displays the same as Item Name.

  • Initiator Name - the Full Name of the person or Service Name of the service that the Action/Trigger was initiated by.

  • Initiator Type - the Alloy Navigator module the Action/Trigger was initiated from.

  • Host - the computer where the Action/Trigger was initiated.

  • Status - the status of the Action/Trigger (Succeed or Failed).

  • Operations - the operations assigned to the Action/Trigger.

    • Operation Details - the details of the selected operation.

To go to the next or previous Workflow Log record, click the Next or Previous button.