Online Help | Desktop App

Using the Administrative Dashboard

The Administrative dashboard is the front page of your Settings App. This pre-configured dashboard gives up-to-date information about features and events requiring administrator's attention.

You can access the Administrative dashboard in the General > Administrative Dashboard section of the Settings App. The dashboard includes these panels: Feature Configuration Overview, Statistics and Alerts.

TIP: You can always refresh data on the Administrative dashboard by clicking the Refresh button above the informative panels.

Feature Configuration Overview

The Feature Configuration Overview panel displays a list of detected feature configurations that require handling and provides one-click access to feature configuration modules. If you want to change any configuration right away, click the feature record to bring up its configuration module.

Each record has a colored icon, that indicates a priority status, according to the degree of feature importance:

  • - indicates high priority for critical feature configuration
  • - indicates normal priority for recommended feature configuration
  • - indicates low priority for other configuration tasks


The Statistics panel stores statistics for each of your recent configuration change events. By default, it is shown for the current date. You can choose another period of time in the drop-down list on the right (either Today, Last Hour, Last 7 days , or Last 30 Days).


The Alerts panel highlights alert notifications about errors and failures reported by Alloy Navigator system components, such as:

  • Last run of 2 jobs has failed

  • The number of days you have not backed up your database

  • Enabled log may slow you down

  • Self-registering SSP users waiting your approval

  • License will expire in 30 days

  • The number of concurrent users exceeds the limit

  • There are 5 failed notifications in the Notification Queue

  • The number of audit nodes exceeds your license limit

  • The Automation Server is not working

  • There are pending Conflicts in AD Integration

  • The Notification Queue is paused

  • There is less than 20% of free space left on the disk where the database is located

NOTE: By default, only one alert is shown. To review other alert notifications, scroll the list vertically.