Installation Guide

Windows PowerShell 5.1

Introduced in 2022.1

Windows PowerShell is essential for a complete workflow experience, requiring version 3.0 or later, up to 5.1

The Alloy Installer checks for Windows PowerShell automatically before installation. The Check Prerequisites window shows the status in the PowerShell row. Compatible versions of Windows PowerShell are included by default in the earliest supported Windows versions (Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2), ensuring that the necessary prerequisites are typically met.

NOTE: On earlier releases of Windows you may need to update your existing PowerShell in Windows. In that case, the Check Prerequisites window displays a warning message along with a hyperlink. Visit the Microsoft Download Center to install Windows PowerShell 5.1. Note that the installation package for Windows PowerShell comes inside a Windows Management Framework (WMF) installer. The version of the WMF installer matches the version of Windows PowerShell; there's no standalone installer for Windows PowerShell. For additional information, see the Microsoft article Installing WIndows PowerShell.