Optional: Update archive databases
Upgrade from 7 and earlier
Started with version 8.0, Alloy Navigator uses a new format for archive databases. The new version does not allow browsing archive databases created with versions earlier than 8. When you access an old archive database for the first time, you will be prompted to update it to the latest version. Since this process can take a significant amount of time, we recommend that you update your archive databases as part of your post-migration activities.
To update an archive database:
In Alloy Navigator Settings, navigate to Services > Archiving > Archive Databases using the Sidebar.
In the middle pane, view the list of archive databases along with object classes: Incidents, Work Orders, etc. Click a database to access.
When prompted to update the database to the latest format, click Yes.
When the process is finished, you can browse the database and view archived Tickets.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to allow enough time for this procedure. The update process is controlled by a modal window, therefore other operations with the Settings App are blocked. You can interrupt the process with the Break button. In this case the data will not be lost, and when you restart the update, the process will be continued.
INFO: For details, see Administration Guide: Viewing and Restoring Archived Tickets.