Installation Guide

Start Your Alloy Automation Server 2024

Now you can start your Alloy Automation Server 2024 and to configure your pilot Alloy Navigator 2024.

To start the Automation Server 2024:

  1. On the computer hosting the Automation Server, run the Automation Server Manager for Alloy Navigator 2024 (for example, using the Alloy Control Panel).

  2. Before configuring the Automation Server, you may need to import the Database Access Key. Otherwise, the Automation Server Manager cannot access the database.

    1. Under Connection, click Import Key and import the Database Access Key to the local computer. This populates the SQL Server and Database fields with the values from the imported key.

    2. Fine-tune the database connection details, if needed:

    3. Fine-tune the database connection details, if needed: in the SQL Server field, enter the network address of the SQL Server, which may differ from the SQL Server name specified in the Database Access Key.

      INFO: For instructions on importing the Database Access Key, see Importing the Database Access Key.

  3. Click Test Connection to make sure that the Automation Server can connect to the database using the specified settings.

  4. Click Start.

  5. Click OK to exit the Automation Server Manager.