How to simplify employee onboarding with the Service Catalog
Alloy Navigator Service Catalog enables you to move from manual onboarding to automated tasks and activities. When an employee is about to join, onboarding manager only has to enter new hire data once, assign onboarding tasks to your HR, facilities, IT, and other teams, and track these tasks to completion.
Onboarding with the default workflow
By default, Alloy Navigator Service Catalog, includes a number of pre-configured generic Service Catalog items covering typical services provided by variety of departments, such as Employee Hire, Account Creation, Hardware, Software or Training Request, etc. In accordance with the onboarding plan, the manager can create separate Requests for each service.
To streamline the onboarding process, we recommend you to create different Work Orders within one Service Request for one employee:
NOTE for Alloy Navigator administrators: The account type of your onboarding manager (Technician or SSP customer) determines how he can access the Service Catalog: via Self Service Portal, Web App, or Desktop App.
In the Service Catalog, click Personnel. Under ltems, double-click Employee Hire.
In the Action menu, click Submit Request and follow wizard's pages. Once you complete the wizard, a new Service Request appears with information about the new employee.
Now you can create Work Orders for preparing computers, phones, payroll system updates, credit cards, orientation training, and more (click Create Work Order on the Actions menu).
You can repeat step 3 for all tasks and activities you need. Once Child Work Orders are resolved and onboarding process is completed, you can close the Request.
Reference for Alloy Navigator administrators
You can make your onboarding process more specific by customizing the default Service Catalog and creating new SC Items. In this case, a sequence of steps may be the following:
- In the Settings App, create a new Service Catalog Item for your onboarding workflow. For details, see Administration Guide: Adding Service Catalog Items.
- In the related Service Request, on the Programming tab, specify operations for creating a list of Work Orders. Each WO will be assigned to a specialist of required service (system administrator, office manager, facility manager, technician, etc.) in accordance with your onboarding workflow. For details, see Administration Guide: How to use and customize the Service Catalog.