Supported Alloy Navigator object classes
The API supports the majority of Alloy Navigator object classes. These object classes are listed below.
Refer to this table for the correct spelling of object class names. You can also use an alternative spelling with no spaces. If needed, you can use table names instead of object class names.
Spelling | Table Name |
Announcements |
Approval Requests |
Approval Stages |
Assets |
Change Requests |
Computers |
Configurations |
Consumables |
Contracts |
Documents |
Groups |
Hardware |
Incidents |
Knowledge Base Articles |
Library Items |
Locations |
Networks |
Organizations |
Persons |
Problems |
Products |
Projects |
Purchase Order Items |
Purchase Orders |
Reservations |
Service Catalog Items |
Service Level Agreements |
Service Requests |
Services |
Software Catalog |
Software Licenses |
Stock Rooms |
Tasks | Tasks
Tracked Software |
Vendor Products |
Vendors |
The API also supports these aggregate object classes:
Spelling | Table Name |
All CIs |
All Tickets |
My Tickets |