Administration Guide

Specifying Related CI Template for Ticket Records

Ticket records (Change Requests, Incidents, Problems, and Work Orders) have the Related CI field, which can be used to associate the Ticket with a Configuration Item (CI). Alloy Navigator allows users to specify one of the following objects in the Related CI Ticket’s field: a Computer, Configuration, Document, Hardware, Contract, Location, Network, Organization, Person, Service, Software License, Tracked Software, or Group.

When a user specifies a related CI for a Ticket, the Related CI value is displayed as a combination of various object attributes. You can configure templates to define how Alloy Navigator displays the value of this field:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to Workflow and Business Logic > Configuration Management > All Configuration Items > Options.
  2. Under Related CI Template, see the current Related CI template, where the following placeholders are used:
    • [Class] the object class
    • [Type] the object type
    • [ID] the object identifier
    • [Asset Tag] the object Asset Tag (applies only to Computer, Hardware, and Software License records associated with Assets)
    • [Name] the object name
  3. Change the template as needed using one of the following options:
    • Select another predefined template from the Current Template list.
    • Create your own template by arranging placeholders in the desired order and separating them as you need.

      NOTE: When the Related CI field displays an object that does not have an attribute used in the template, the placeholder will insert a blank space.

  4. Click Preview to see an example of the Related CI field value with your template applied.
  5. Click Save.