Administration Guide

Specifying Full Name and Address Templates for Person Records

Person records in Alloy Navigator have the Full Name and Address fields. Their values are formed from other Person’s attributes when the record is created. You can configure templates to define how Alloy Navigator initializes these fields.

To configure a template for the Full Name field:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to Workflow and Business Logic > Organization Management > Persons > Options.
  2. Under Full Name Template, view the current full name template, where the following placeholders are used:
    • F the first name
    • M the middle name
    • L the last name
  3. Change the template as needed using one of these options:
    • Select another pre-defined template from the Current Template list.
    • Create your own template by typing F, M, and L in the desired order, separating them as you need.
  4. Click Preview to see an example of the full name with your template applied.
  5. Click Save.

To configure a template for the Address field:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to Workflow and Business Logic > Organization Management > Persons > Options.
  2. Under Address Template, view the current address template, where the following placeholders are used:
    • [StreetAddress]
    • [PostOfficeBox]
    • [City]
    • [State]
    • [PostalCode]
    • [Country]
  3. Customize the current template, using the placeholders in the desired order and separating them as you need.
  4. Click Preview to see an example of the address.

    NOTE: You can always roll back your changes by clicking Set Default.

    The default template forms the Address field as follows:



    City, State PostalCode


  5. Click Save.