Administration Guide

Adding Relationship Types

You can add new relationship types as follows:

  1. From the Sidebar, go to General > Object Relationship Map.
  2. Click New. The New Relationship Type dialog box appears.
  3. Select a relationship kind from the Kind list: Parent-Child or Sibling.
  4. Enter the relationship type name:
    • For a parent-child relationship: Type the direct verb in the Parent-Child Name field and the inverse verb in the Child-Parent Name field. For example, “Contains” and “Is part of”, or “Is newer than” and “Is older than.”
    • For a sibling relationship: Type the verb in the Name field. For example, “Connected.”
  5. Choose the object classes that can be connected by this relationship type (the relationship type will be available only for these object classes):
    • For a parent-child relationship: Using check boxes in the Parent Objects and Child Objects lists, select object classes between which this relationship can be established.
    • For a sibling relationship: Using check boxes in the Objects list, select object classes between which this relationship can be established.

    NOTE: To select all objects of a particular module, select the module's check box. To select or deselect all objects in both lists, click Select All or Deselect All, respectively.

  6. Click OK.