Administration Guide

Configuring the Auto-Generation Policy

All objects identifiers consist of a prefix and a sequence number, such as AT000001, AT000002, etc. You can customize the prefix and the number of digits in the identifier.

NOTE: When customizing the length of the numeric part of the identifier, you should estimate the maximum number of objects of that class your database would contain. For example, 4 digits would yield 9,999 identifiers. If the system ever needs to store a 10000th object, its ID will be longer (e.g. AT10000), causing issues with sorting by the ID. If you cannot estimate the maximum number of objects, keep the default number of digits or specify a larger value.

To customize the identifier format and set up the auto-numbering:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to General > Object Identifiers.
  2. Double-click an identifier. The Auto-generation Policy[Identifier] dialog box opens.

  3. Preview the identifier in the Next ID field. Customize the identifier format as needed:
    • To change the prefix, type a new value in the Prefix field. The prefix must be a series of alphanumeric characters, maximum 10 characters long.
    • Specify the length of the sequential object counter in the Number of Digits field. The maximum value is 10.
  4. The Next ID field displays the next identifier that will be generated for a new object. If you continue the numbering sequence with a specific number, click Change and provide a different starting number.
  5. Click OK.