Administration Guide

Regular expressions

Most POSIX Extended Regular Expressions are supported. For tutorial and examples of regular expressions, see

Our preconfigured preprocessing rules contain regular expressions.

The examples of regular expressions provided in our production database:

  1. The preprocessing rule Replies in Mozilla Thunderbird messages.

    The rule detects the following text block:

    On 9/6/2017 12:55 PM, Danielle Fischer wrote:

    Regular expression (?is)On [0-9/]+.*wrote: can be interpreted as follows:


    Do case-insensitive pattern matching (using installed in you system locale settings).

    Treat string as single line.

    On [0-9/]+.*wrote:

    Match strings that contain the following parts:

    • the word On and any symbol from the list: digits from 0 to 9, or /; repeated one or more times
    • the word wrote:
    • zero or more symbols between the above parts
  2. The preprocessing rule Replies in Microsoft Outlook messages.

    The rule detects the following text block:

    	From: Danielle Fischer
    	Sent: Friday, 26 May, 2017 23:41
    	To: Lynch Stevens []
    	Subject: Strip replies from email

    Regular expression From:.*Subject:.+?\r\n can be interpreted as follows:


    Match strings that contain words From: and Subject with zero or more symbols between these words.

    +? one or more times
    \r predefined by car return
    \n predefined by new line