Administration Guide

Preparing a Localization Dictionary

To prepare a localization dictionary for a new language, use one of existing Self Service Portal localization dictionaries as a template. Localization dictionaries are stored in the installation folder, typically at the following path:

C:\Program Files\Alloy Software\Alloy Navigator\System\WebAppsTemplates\SSP\localization

If you have a configured Self Service Portal instance, you can also find localization dictionaries for in the localization folder under the folder where your Self Service Portal files are stored:


A localization dictionary is a JSON file which include local attributes and localization dictionary entries.

NOTE: For instruction on viewing the physical path of Self Service Portal installation folder, see Physical Path to Self Service Portal Files.

FOR CLOUD CUSTOMERS: Please note that adding custom languages is only available for on-premises deployments. Contact our Support Team for assistance with this step.


Local attributes are the values of the Formats key which is structured as follows:

	"Formats": {
	"Id": "es-ES",
	"Description": "Spanish - Spain, International Sort",
	"NumberGroupSeparator": ".",
	"NumberDecimalSeparator": ",",
	"NumberGroupSeparatorDisplay": ".",
	"NumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay": ",",
	"ShortDatePattern": "d/m/Y",
	"ShortDatePatternDisplay": "dd/MM/yyyy",
	"ShortTimePattern": "G:i:s",
	"ShortTimePatternDisplay": "H:mm:ss",
	"DurationFormat": "%HH% h %NN% min",
	"DurationFormatLessHour": "%N% min"

The Formats key takes its values from the nested object consisting of key-vlaue pairs defining local attributes.

NOTE: The language-region pair code in the id key must be a valid Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID), such as en-US, pl-PL, or es-ES. You can find the list of available language codes at


Localization dictionary entries are the values of the Terms key which is structured as follows:

	"Terms": [
		"text": ""
		"text": "Agregar una nota"
		"text": "Ya existe un usuario con este nombre."

The Terms key takes its values from the nested array consisting of a number of objects. Each object defines a localization dictionary entry and structured as follows:



  • key value defines a interface element (field, message, caption, text, etc.) that you want to localize.
  • text value defines a localized version for the interface element.

For example, the object below defines the localized title of the Announcements page in the SSP:

	"text": "Anuncios"

NOTE: The keys for the fields that have the same localized version for all forms begin with "FIELDS.COMMON">.

The name of the localization dictionary file for the new language must be in the following format: <LCID>.json. For example: tr-TR.json, sk-SK.json, sv-SE.json.