Administration Guide

Preparing a Localization Dictionary

Updated in 2024.2

To create a localization dictionary for a new language, contact our support team to request a ready-to-use JSON file—a quick and easy way to add custom languages.

Alternatively, you can use an existing Self Service Portal localization dictionary as a template:

  1. Open the Admin Center and export one of the available languages as a JSON file. English (US) or another familiar language is a good starting point.

  2. Open the exported file in an editor and modify it. Replace the text in each key-text pair with translations in your desired language.

A localization dictionary is a JSON file which include local attributes and localization dictionary entries.


Local attributes are the values of the Formats key which is structured as follows:

	"Formats": {
	"Id": "es-ES",
	"Description": "Spanish - Spain, International Sort",
	"NumberGroupSeparator": ".",
	"NumberDecimalSeparator": ",",
	"NumberGroupSeparatorDisplay": ".",
	"NumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay": ",",
	"ShortDatePattern": "d/m/Y",
	"ShortDatePatternDisplay": "dd/MM/yyyy",
	"ShortTimePattern": "G:i:s",
	"ShortTimePatternDisplay": "H:mm:ss",
	"DurationFormat": "%HH% h %NN% min",
	"DurationFormatLessHour": "%N% min"},

The Formats key takes its values from the nested object consisting of key-vlaue pairs defining local attributes.

The language-region pair code in the id key must be a valid Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID), such as en-US, pl-PL, or es-ES. You can find the list of available language codes at

NOTE: Starting with version 2024.2, regional formats no longer need to be specified in the localization file. The user’s browser will automatically apply them based on the selected language. Users now also have the option to explicitly choose to use the formats from their browser locale. However, for backward compatibility, localization files will continue to include regional formats. You can leave them in the file as they are.


Localization dictionary entries are the values of the Terms key which is structured as follows:

	"Terms": [
		"text": ""
		"text": "Agregar una nota"
		"text": "Ya existe un usuario con este nombre."

The Terms key takes its values from the nested array consisting of a number of objects. Each object defines a localization dictionary entry and structured as follows:



  • key value defines a interface element (field, message, caption, text, etc.) that you want to localize.
  • text value defines a localized version for the interface element.

For example, the object below defines the localized title of the Announcements page in the Self Service Portal:

	"text": "Anuncios"

NOTE: The keys for the fields that have the same localized version for all forms begin with "FIELDS.COMMON">.

The name of the localization dictionary file for the new language must be in the following format: <LCID>.json. For example: tr-TR.json, sk-SK.json, sv-SE.json.