Administration Guide

Configuring archiving settings

For Alloy Navigator Enterprise On-Prem

To create an archiving job:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to Services > Archiving > Archiving and click New. The Archiving dialog box opens.

  2. Click the Processing tab and specify the task for your job:
    • If you want to copy unused Tickets to the archive database and then purge the originals, click Archive unused objects and purge.
    • If you want to remove unused Tickets without archiving, click Only remove unused objects.
  3. Review archiving policies and specify which Tickets to process.

    INFO: For details, see Default archiving policies.

    1. To enable an archiving policy, select the corresponding check box in the Enabled column.
    2. If you want to change the time period, double-click the policy and specify a different period after which records are considered unused.

      Repeat these steps to enable all policies as needed.

  4. If your job archives unused Tickets, specify the settings for creating archive databases. If your job removes Tickets without archiving, proceed to the last step.
    1. In the Archive database field, specify the placeholder for the archive database name.

      Every job session creates a new archive database on the SQL Server hosting your Alloy Navigator database. Every new archive database must have a unique name. Otherwise, a name collision will cause an error and the job will be terminated.

      By default, the Archive database field has the following format:


      In this default placeholder, AlloyNavigatorDatabaseName is the name of your Alloy Navigator database and YYYYMMDDHHNN is the date and time when the archive database is created (where YYYY is the year, MM - month, DD - day, HH - hour, and NN - minute). For example, if the Alloy Navigator database is named “AN_DB” and the archiving job runs on September 25, 2021 at 02:15 AM, the default format will produce the following name: AN_DB_Archive_202109250215.

      If needed, you can customize the name format. To insert a date/time placeholder, click Insert Placeholder and choose the placeholder from the drop-down list.

    2. Under Create archive database under this account, choose an account on the SQL Server instance hosting your Alloy Navigator database.

      IMPORTANT: This account must be a member of dbcreator and securityadmin roles on the SQL Server. For details, see SQL Server account for creating archive databases.

      IMPORTANT: If you use a Windows account for creating archive database, this account must have the Log on as a batch job user right on the Automation Server computer.

      1. Select the authentication type from the Authentication list.
      2. Enter the user name in the User Name field. For Windows authentication, specify the Windows domain name as DomainName\UserName or click Find to select the user.
      3. Enter the password.

    3. Click Test Account Settings to verify that archive databases can be created under the specified account.
  5. Click OK. The job will run in accordance with the default schedule. If you want to change the schedule, see Changing the archiving schedule below.