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Brand window

The Brand window displays information about a particular brand of a company that could be a software publisher, hardware manufacturer, product and service vendor, etc.

The Brand window has the General tab and the optional Custom Data tab.

General tab

The General tab allows you to enter the general information about the brand.

The details you can enter include:

  • Brand - Specify the brand name.

  • Organization - Associate a brand with an organization. You can either select an organization from a drop-down list or click the ellipsis button and choose an organization.

  • Web Page - The brand’s website address. If the fields is filled out, you can open the website in your default Internet browser by clicking the Web Page link.

  • Aliases - Add, edit, or remove aliases for a brand. A brand’s alias is another variant spelling or name the brand is known by. These can be any alias, shortened or former names that appear when the brand changes, or is acquired by the another company, etc.

Custom Data tab

The Custom Data tab appears if the Alloy Navigator administrator has configured any user-defined fields. Depending on the configuration, the Custom Data tab can have fields of different types (for example, text or date fields, etc.) that can be mandatory and read-only. If there are any mandatory fields on this tab, you must complete them. Otherwise, you won't be able to save the record.