Online Help | Web App

General tab

Updated in 2023.1

The General tab of a Group record details the information about the group in the following fields:

  • ID - the automatically generated number of the Group record.

  • Status - the status of the Group.

  • Type - the Group type. The list of types is defined by your Alloy Navigator administrator.

  • Name - the Group name.

  • E-mail - displays the e-mail addresses of the Group. Multiple e-mail addresses must be separated by commas.

  • Manager - the name of the person assigned as the Group manager.

  • Technicians Only - defines whether the group is only for technicians only or not.

  • Members section - displays people included in this Group. Above the grid, the toolbar is shown that allows managing this list:

    • Add - adds one or multiple group members. Click Add to open the Select Person window, where you choose one or more people to add to the Group.

      Remove - excludes the selected members from the Group.

      Order - opens the Group Members Order window, where you can set the order of group members.

The General tab may also display various user-defined fields in an additional section if your Alloy Navigator administrator has configured them accordingly. The default name of this section is "Custom Data", although your Alloy Navigator administrator may have renamed this section.

NOTE: User-defined fields can appear also on the Custom Data tab (this is the default name of the tab; it can be renamed by your Alloy Navigator administrator).