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Checking Mail Connector job results

Introduced in 2023.1

After you have configured a Mail Connector job, you can test the job and check its results to make sure it works correctly. You can test a disabled job as well.

Before you begin, make sure that the Automation Server is running. You can do this by checking the status of the Automation Server icon in the Settings' status bar.

To force a Mail Connector job to run and check its results:

  1. Send a test e-mail message to the mailbox specified in the Mail Connector job. This message must have non-blank Subject and Body fields and may include an attachment.

  2. Go to E-mail Processing > Mail Connector , select the job you want to test and click Run on the Module menu. If the command is unavailable, click Refresh to refresh the information.

  3. To verify whether the Mail Connector job has run and processed e-mail, double-click the job, go to the Sessions tab, and review the latest entry at the top to see if the e-mail was processed. For details, see Viewing Mail Connector job sessions.

  4. If the log does not indicate that your test message was processed, check whether the e-mail has reached the intended mailbox. Also, note that if the IMAP4 protocol is chosen, the Mail Connector only processes unread e-mail messages and skips read messages.

  5. In the Alloy Navigator Desktop App or Web App, go to the corresponding module and view the created or updated object.