Online Help | Desktop App

Desktop App user interface

The Desktop App is the primary graphical user interface to that provides technicians and administrators with access to components and functions.

Basic elements of a typical Desktop App window are shown in the picture below.

The Desktop App contains these elements:

Element Description
Menu Bar Provides access to the main menu.
Standard Toolbar Provides quick access to frequently used data manipulation functions.
GoTo Toolbar Provides one-click access to any component of Alloy Navigator.
Module Menu

Provides quick access to the functions of the currently active component; may contain the drop-down list allowing you to switch between various visual representations of the grid data, called views.

INFO: For details on module menu, see Module menu. For details on views, see Views and Working with views.


Displays records in a tabular form and provides numerous data presentation features; may contain Filter Row that allows you to perform quick filtering.

INFO: For details on Filter Row, see Filtering with the Filter Row.


Provides quick access to Alloy Navigator modules and components.

INFO: For details on Filter Row, see Sidebar .

Preview Pane Shows summary details for the record selected in the grid.
Status Bar Displays status messages and other information about the component. For details, see Menus and toolbars.
Workspace Pane

This is where you view and manage the data; may contain multiple tabs corresponding to components or records you are working with and the Group Panel allowing you to group grid columns.

INFO: For details on Group Panel, see Grouping records.

You can customize the Desktop App to your liking. For details, see Customizing the Desktop App.