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HTML formatting

E-mail notifications and certain object fields support HTML format. Use our embedded HTML editor to create and design HTML content.

To format HTML content using the embedded HTML editor:

  1. By default, the Design mode is selected. In this mode you can use the WYSIWYG editor to format the HTML content using Closedvarious supported options.

    • Paragraph Style
    • Font
    • Font Size
    • Font Style
    • Font Color
    • Background Color
    • Numbering
    • Bullets
    • Indentation
    • Insert Horizontal Line
    • Insert Link
    • Insert Image
  2. TIP: If the content contains placeholders for multiline text (such as the <Object Changes All> system macro), we recommend that you apply the Formatted style to this placeholder. Otherwise, the pre-formatting may be lost when the message is generated.

  3. If you want to directly edit the HTML code, click the Design arrow and select HTML Code from the list. Use standard HTML tags and syntax to edit the HTML content.

  4. TIP: We recommend that you wrap the <PRE> tag around placeholders for multiline text (such as the <Object Changes All> system macro) to keep pre-formatting.

    To return to the design mode, click the HTML Code arrow and select Design from the list.

    TIP: You can also use third-party tools to build your HTML template and paste the resulting HTML code into the HTML Code text box.

INFO: E-mail notifications are sent automatically in response to events in Alloy Navigator. HTML messages support text formatting such as bold and colored fonts, and allow using bullet and numbered lists, images, etc. However, some e-mail clients may not support HTML e-mail, when plain text messages are supported by all e-mail clients.

NOTE: The appearance of E-mail Notifications in HTML format is controlled by standard cascading style sheet (CSS) rules. For details, see Customizing E-mail Notification styles.

IMPORTANT: If you configure outgoing messages to be sent in plain text format, then all HTML formatting will be lost. For details, see Configuring outgoing e-mail.