Administration Guide

Configuring Generation of Administrative Alerts

All errors and failures reported by Alloy Navigator system components are registered in the Error Log. In addition, you can configure Alloy Navigator to generate e-mail notifications that will alert the administrator when a failure or an event requiring administrator’s attention occurs.

Administrative Alerts can be configured for the following event categories:

  • Audit conflict detected — conflicts detected when importing audit data from Alloy Discovery. For details, see Conflict Policy.
  • Failure to archive data — errors logged by the Automation Server when it fails to archive data. For details, see Archiving unused Service Desk data.
  • Failure to connect to the mail server — errors logged by the Automation Server when it fails to connect to the outgoing mail server. For details, see Configuring the Notifications Settings.
  • Failure to execute job — errors logged by the Automation Server when it fails to execute any job. For details, see Automation Server.
  • Failure to execute workflow item — errors reported when any workflow item fails to execute. For details, see Workflow Management.
  • Failure to import data — errors logged by the Import tool when it fails to import data to the Alloy Navigator database. For details, see the Help: Import tool.
  • Failure to load audit snapshots — errors logged by the Alloy Discovery Connector when it fails to import audit snapshots from Alloy Discovery . For details, see Configuring Alloy Discovery Synchronization.
  • Failure to run report — errors logged by the Automation Server when it fails to run a Reporting job. For details, see Scheduling Reports.
  • Failure to send notification — errors reported by the Automation Server when it fails to send out e-mail messages from the Notification Queue. For details, see Managing the Notification Queue.
  • Failure to synchronize with Active Directory — errors reported by the Active Directory Import tool when it fails to import data from the Active Directory. For details, see Integration with Active Directory and Other Directory Services.
  • General — other errors.

To configure administrative alerts, follow these steps:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to Logs > All Errors > Alerts.
  2. In the Notification Interval list, select a time interval to limit the frequency of repeated alerts. Alloy Navigator will not trigger alerts about repetitive Error Log events when several events of the same type occur within the specified interval.

    If you do not want Alloy Navigator to generate multiple notifications about repetitive events, select Once. An e-mail notification will be sent once and will not be repeated as long as the original log record that triggered the notification is available in the Error Log. Once that log record is purged, the very next event of the same type will trigger a new notification.

  3. Click New to add a new notification. The Error Log Alert dialog box opens.
  4. Select an event category in the Category list.
  5. Specify the recipient for notifications:
    • To select the alert recipient from the Person list, click Person and select the desired Person record. The field is populated with the primary e-mail address of the selected Person.
    • To send notifications to a specific e-mail address, click E-mail and enter the address in the text field. To insert a placeholder for dynamic data, click the ellipsis button (or click in a field and press CTRL+ENTER) and choose the placeholder using the Select Placeholder dialog box.

    INFO: For details, see Inserting Placeholders.

  6. In the Subject field, review the default subject template and modify it, if needed. The template contains placeholders that will be replaced with the actual data at runtime. To insert a placeholder, click the ellipsis button (or click in a field and press CTRL+ENTER), and choose the placeholder. For details on available placeholders, see the table below.
  7. Under Message, review the default message template and modify it, if needed. The template contains placeholders that will be replaced with the actual data at runtime. To insert a placeholder, click Insert Placeholder and choose the placeholder.
  8. Click OK.

    NOTE: If the Automation Server is unable to connect the mail server, it can’t send out administrative alerts, as well as any other messages in the Notification Queue. In order to prevent flooding the queue with repetitive “Failure to send notification” alerts on failed attempts to send alerts, administrative alerts are marked as system in the queue. Alloy Navigator will not generate “Failure to send notification” alerts on system notifications. For details on the Notification Queue, see the Managing the Notification Queue.

The following placeholders are available for the Subject and Message fields of administrative alerts:

Placeholder Name Inserted Value Placeholder

Initiator Account

The account of the service or person that initiated the event.

%[Initiator Account]%

Event Category

The category of the event.

%[Event Category]%

Event Details

The log record details.

%[Event Details]%

First Occurrence

The earliest recorded date and time for this event.

%[First Occurrence]%

Last Occurrence

The latest recorded date and time for this event.

%[Last Occurrence]%

Last Notification

The date and time when the last administrative alert on the event was generated.

%[Last Notification]%

Occurrences Total

How many times the event has occurred since its first recorded occurrence.

%[Occurrences Total]%

Occurrences Since Last Notification

How many times the event has occurred since the last notification.

%[Occurrences Since Last Notification]%

Event Source

The Alloy Navigator module where the event occurred.

%[Event Source]%