Administration Guide

Complete workflow packs and complete output files

The largest part of configuration settings is your business logic, which is a complex structure of interrelated configuration entities, grouped by object classes.

For example, your business logic configuration for Incidents may consist of Actions, Triggers and other workflow items and components, as well as user-defined fields, shared views, user macros, etc. In other words, it includes all settings from the Workflow and Business Logic > Service Desk > Incidents section of the Settings, as illustrated in Exporting complete workflow packs. Some configuration entities such as actions and shared views are assigned to security roles in your organization. This full subset of interrelated business logic configuration settings for an object class is referred to as complete workflow pack.

The benefit of exporting complete workflow packs is the ability to mark your export file as complete, meaning it includes every single component necessary to implement the business process (or business processes) for a particular object class, including classification tables, Actions, E-mail Notifications, and security roles. When you import settings from that complete export file, the system replaces all components for that object class with the new ones from the file, supplying the new business logic instead of the existing one.

When you need to export just portions of your configuration settings such as individual definitions of Actions, Triggers, dashboard widgets, or user-defined fields, create regular export files. When you import settings from a regular .xml file, the system does not overwrite the existing configuration but simply add new settings to you existing ones.