Custom Input Field window
You use the Custom Input Field window to view the definition of the custom input field.
NOTE: Custom input fields are configured by an Alloy Discovery administrator. For details, see Configuring custom input fields.
Field definition - this section contains the following fields:
Field Caption - the custom input field's caption .
Default Value - the default value>for the custom field.
Field type - the type of your custom field. The following types are available:
Input - a free-form text entry box.
Select - a drop-down list. The Select Options section defines the list items.
Combo - a combination of a drop-down list and a text entry box, giving the user a possibility to type in any value not from the list. The Select Options section defines the list items.
The Options section contains the following field attributes:
Mandatory - requires the field to be filled in. All mandatory custom input fields appear on the Inventory Analyzer start screen in a red box.
Remember - makes the field "sticky" by remembering the last entered value.
Select options - this section contains the items of the drop-down list for the field of the Select or Combo type.
Field mapping - this section displays information for storing the custom fields in the audit snapshot file and in the database. Audit snapshots data is divided into sections. Each section has a group of values collected by the Inventory Analyzer, and identified by their unique keys. The audit snapshot section for the custom input fields is always named CustomFields.
Audit File Section - the audit snapshot section for the custom input fields. The snapshot data is divided into sections. Each section has a group of values collected by the Inventory Analyzer, and identified by their unique keys. The audit snapshot section for the custom input fields is always named CustomFields.
Field Name / Audit File Key - the name for the variable (key) storing collected custom input field's value. This value is also used as the name of the database field that stores the collected custom input field's value.
NOTE: By default, custom input fields are not included in any grid views for Computers. To show the column in a particular view you should modify the view configuration and add custom input fields as needed.