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Merging software manufacturers

You can join two or more software manufacturers into one record. When you merge software manufacturer records, the source brand names are added to the target brand as its aliases and all the links of the source brands are re-directed to the target brand.

When an Inventory Server creates brand records for the software manufacturers, a separate record is created for every brand that has a different name. It may result in creating several records for different spellings of a single brand (for example, for the full brand name and its abbreviation). Using merging, you can combine those multiple brands into one record.

To merge two or more brands:

  1. In the Settings App, go to General > Software Catalog > Software Manufacturers.

  2. Select the source brands:

    • If you want to join two brands, click the source brand in the grid.

    • If you want to merge more than two brands, select all the source brand records.

  3. Right-click the selected source product(s) to be merged, and choose Merge with from the pop-up menu. The Merge Manufacturers window opens.

  4. In the Target Manufacturer field, choose a manufacturer to which the source manufacturer(s) will be merged. The source software manufacturer(s) selected to be merged will be removed.

  5. Click OK.