Microsoft .NET 6.0.1 - Windows Server Hosting
Introduced in 2022.1
The Web App requires Microsoft .NET 6.0 1 - Windows Server Hosting or later. This is a prerequisite for the web-based Admin Center, which comes inside the Web App.
The Alloy Installer checks for Windows Server Hosting automatically before installation. The Check Prerequisites window shows the status in the Microsoft .NET 6.0 1 - Windows Server Hosting row.
If the prerequisite is missing, the Check Prerequisites window displays a warning message along with a hyperlink. To install Microsoft .NET 6.0 1 Windows Server Hosting, click the hyperlink, view additional information, and click Install. After the instillation completes, restart your IIS.
NOTE: The installation package for Microsoft .NET Windows Server Hosting is included with the .NET Core Hosting Bundle. For additional information about the bundle and a download link for the current .NET Core Hosting Bundle installer, see the Microsoft article The .NET Core Hosting Bundle.