Administration Guide

Linux Audit

In some cases, a standalone Linux Inventory Analyzer (lina) may not work as expected. For instance, it may be unable to collect some information about the computer, or in some rare cases it may terminate with an error message. Usually this indicates a problem with the operating system, device driver, or hardware. To resolve such issues, contact Alloy Software Technical Support. Before contacting, you should prepare troubleshooting information for the Technical Support representatives as follows:

NOTE: Note that $(hostname) is a command and it must be used as is; do not replace "hostname" with the computer name.

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. Change working directory to the lina folder:

    cd <path_to_lina>

  3. Run lina in the debug mode:

    sudo ./lina -n -d -w $(hostname).bin -of $(hostname).adt

    Note that $(hostname) is a command and it must be used as is; do not replace "hostname" with the computer name.

    Wait until the information message is displayed confirming that the audit snapshot file has been created. Three output files should be created in the current folder:

    • <your_computer_name>.adt
    • <your_computer_name>_Debug.log
    • <your_computer_name>.bin

    Note that <your_computer_name> is the computer name.

  4. Compress the created files into the <your_computer_name>.tgz archive file:

    tar czvf $(hostname).tgz $(hostname)*

Contact Alloy Software Technical Support by email, describe the problem, and attach the archive file.