Configuring email settings for SMTP
This article describes how to integrate Alloy Discovery with your SMTP mail server.
To configure email settings for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP):
In the Settings App, navigate to Services > E-mail Settings.
In the Choose e-mail service field, choose Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
If you want to specify the default sender's e-mail address, type it in the 'From' e-mail address field. This address will appear in the "From" header of outgoing e-mail messages by default. You will be able to specify a different "From" address when configuring specific Alerts.
If you need to change the default Unicode (UTF-8) character set, select one in the Character set list.
Under SMTP server, enter the name and port number of your outgoing SMTP mail server.
If your SMTP server requires users to authenticate, select the My outgoing (SMTP) server requires authentication check box and type in the user name and password.
If your SMTP server requires Security Password Authentication, select the Require Secure Password Authentication (SPA) check box.
In the Secure Connection section, select one of the following options:
None — This establishes an insecure (plain text) connection.
STARTTLS, if available — This establishes a secure connection using the STARTTLS extension if it is supported by the mail server. If the server does not support STARTTLS, an insecure connection is established.
STARTTLS - The Mail Connector will attempt to establish a secure connection using the STARTTLS extension. If the mail server does not support STARTTLS, a connection is not established.
SSL/TLS - The Mail Connector will attempt to establish a secure connection. If the mail server does not support SSL/TLS, a connection is not established.
If you want to prevent communication with e-mail servers using an invalid certificate, select the Reject invalid certificates check box.
To check the connection parameters, click Test Settings. In the Send Test Message dialog box, enter a valid e-mail address to send a test message to, choose an Inventory Server instance (if you have more than one), and click OK.
Click Save.