Administration Guide

Installing the Audit Agent for E-mail Delivery

After you have created an E-mail Audit Source, you must perform the next steps: create the installer and install the audit agent on every computer you want audited.

Optional: Customizing the Installer with Post-Processing Actions

If you want to customize the audit agent installer with additional post-processing actions, make your changes to the he command file PrepareAuditAgent.cmd before creating the installer. You can find this file under your Alloy Discovery installation folder, for example:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Alloy Software\Alloy Discovery 2024\Bin\PrepareAuditAgent.cmd

For example, you may want to sign the executable file with your own certificate to avoid Windows SmartScreen warnings during the installation.

The full path of the installer executable is passed as the first command line parameter.

See an example of a code signing action:

signcode -cn "My Company" -i -t -n "Audit Agent Installer" "%1"

Creating the Windows Installer

To create the audit agent installer:

  1. In the Sidebar, right-click the Site where your E-mail Audit Source resides, and select Properties from the pop-up menu. The [Site Name] dialog box opens.

  2. Under Audit Sources, double-click your E-mail Audit Source to bring up the [Source Name] dialog box.

  3. Make sure that all e-mail settings are specified as needed. When the agent is installed, it will use those settings to deliver audit snapshots.

  4. On the General tab, under Windows Installer, view and optionally change the default schedule for the agent. The Windows Task Scheduler will use this schedule to run the agent.

  5. Click the Create Installer button under Windows Installer and specify where to save the AlloyAuditAgent.msi file.

  6. Click OK to close the [Site Name] dialog box.

Installing the Audit Agent for E-mail Delivery

When the agent installer is created, deploy it to target computers.

In a Windows domain environment, we recommend you to use Group Policy to distribute the agent installer. If this does not work for you, it is possible to install the agent manually from a command line in the unattended mode:

msiexec /i AlloyAuditAgent.msi /qn

NOTE: By default, the Windows Task Scheduler starts the audit on time only if the network connection is available. Otherwise, the audit will be postponed until the connection is restored.