Terminating Concurrent Idle Sessions Automatically
When your product license supports the Concurrent Users model that limits the number of active sessions under concurrent accounts, Alloy Discovery offers the option for auto-termination of idle sessions under concurrent accounts. Terminating idle sessions may help guarantee that no idle sessions are eating away your license resource. In addition, your security policy may require to terminate concurrent idle sessions after a specified period of inactivity has passed.
NOTE: Auto-termination does not affect user sessions established under named accounts. If you want to close named sessions, terminate them manually. For details, see Terminating User Sessions Manually.
To configure Alloy Discovery to terminate concurrent idle sessions, follow the steps below:
In the Settings app, navigate to Accounts and Roles > User Sessions.
Select the Automatically terminate idle Concurrent Users sessions after check box and specify the idle timeout period in minutes.
To disable the automatic timeout feature, clear the check box.
Click Save.
When the specified period of inactivity has passed, Alloy Discovery terminates the user session, informs the user that the session has expired, and closes the Desktop App.