Online Help

Site statistics

To view the Site statistics, click the Site name under Sites in the Sidebar.

Site Details

This section contains the following groups:

  • All Nodes - shows total number of computers, Chromebooks and network devices discovered in the Site. To view the full list of nodes, double-click this row. The All Nodes grid for this Site will be shown.

  • Computers - shows the number of audited computers in the Site. To view the full list of audited computers, double-click this row. The Computers grid for this Site will appear.

  • Chromebooks - shows the number of audited Chromebooks in the Site. To view the full list of audited Chromebooks, double-click this row. The Chromebooks grid for this Site will appear.

  • Network Devices - displays the number of audited network devices in the Site. To view the full list of discovered network devices in the Site, double-click this row. The Network Devices grid for this Site will open.

Change History

This section displays Change History statistics for computers and Chromebooks in this Site. These statistics summarize Change Events detected on the nodes in the Site within the specified period of time. For details, see Change History Statistics.


This section allows you to discover, audit, or configure properties of a Site easily by clicking the corresponding link. For detailed information about the Sites, see Working with Sites.