Online Help

Enabling or disabling rules

Only enabled rules are used in the process of detecting new software products and in the software recognition operation. The rules created by the Inventory Server (auto-created rules) are enabled by default.

When creating or editing a rule, you can enable or disable it by selecting or clearing the Enable check box in the Software Recognition Rule [ Rule Name ] window (for details, see Configuring software recognition rules).

You can also enable or disable one or more rules directly in the Software Product [ Product Name ] window, as described below.

To enable one or more rules:

  1. On the Recognition Rules tab, select one or more rules.

  2. Right-click the selected rule(s) and choose Enable.

To disable one or more rules:

  1. On the Recognition Rules tab, select one or more rules.

  2. Right-click the selected rule(s) and choose Disable.