Online Help

Types of alerts

Alert is a predefined notification that is sent to a specified e-mail address about a particular event revealed during the audit. Alerts are executed by the Inventory Server when processing the audit results.

According to the event that triggers the alert, all the alerts are divided into the following types:

Alert Type Description

Object Change

Use this type to define conditions based on a hardware or software component as a whole (e.g. to trigger the alert when a memory module is added or removed or when a software product was installed or uninstalled).

Attribute Value

Use this type to check the value of a hardware or software component’s attribute (e.g. to generate a notification when a computer’s IP address is changed).

Free Disk Space

Use this type to notify the appropriate staff when the free disk space falls below a certain threshold.

Memory Size

Use this type to check the RAM size.

Software Product Change

Use this type to detect the presence of a certain software product, to detect when any software or a certain product is installed or uninstalled, or to detect when a software product from a certain software group is installed or uninstalled.

User Account Control (UAC)

Use this type to check the state of User Access Control.

Hardware Change

Use this type to detect hardware configuration changes.

Network Settings Change

Use this type to detect network configuration changes.

Conflict Detected

Use this type to notify the appropriate staff when a potentially duplicate computer record is detected.

Alert definitions are displayed in the Services > Alerts section of the Settings App. By default, each entry in the list contains the following information about the alert:

  • Name - the alert name.

  • Type - the alert type.

  • Enabled - the state of the alert indicating whether the alert will be triggered by the specified condition or ignored (for details, see Enabling and disabling alerts).

There is a set of predefined alert definitions shipped with Alloy Discovery. You can customize those predefined alert definitions as needed and enable them to generate notifications.